Iran 2018 pt.9 – The Lut desert experience

posted in: Iran, Overland, POTOVANJA | 0

I sometimes wonder, often in retrospective, whether things have their underlying, deeper meaning. All the problems with Mosafer – were they actually a precaution to save us from boastering in Lut desert? I had the plan laid down for us … Continued

Tunizija 2014

posted in: POTOVANJA | 0

Hipne odločitve so včasih najboljše. Ledeno kepo sekiranja, da do svet med kratko odsotnostjo izginil ali vsaj iztiril, topi sonce gričevnate Toskane, ko postajajo morje, pristanišče Civitavecchia in s tem tudi Afrika naenkrat na dosegu roke. Vse skupaj že dva … Continued

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