EE2017 pt. 7 – Prvi del potovanja po Romuniji

posted in: Europe, Overland, Romania | 0

Potovanje po prvem delu Romunije smo končali in zasluži si odlično oceno. Čeprav je bil naš načrt za Romunijo sprva sicer drugačen, malo obsežnejši, z več destinacijami in kilometri, a so se stvari odvijale tako, da sva se raje odločila … Continued

EE2017 pt. 3 – Wild Carpathians – The Transalpina Experience

posted in: Europe, Overland, Romania | 0

»Io Romun, no cigan!« was the bottom line of my conversation with a local guy in Deva who cleaned windshields in front of a supermarket. We were finally heading towards Carpathian mountains. Our approach was quite timid at first. We … Continued

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