Iran 2018 pt.6 – Of Mouteh Wildlife Refuge
»Wild animals? Here? No no, here we dig gold!« And a broad smile on the face, closely bordering on laughter. Long faces on our side. That was it. End of the story. Night has fallen, we have driven more than … Continued
Iran 2018 pt.5 – In the mountains of Iranian Kurdistan
Mesopotamia… Tigris… Kurdistan… most people just hear about those names and places and civilizations in school, maybe later on TV, and never even bother to find them on a map, let alone visit. West of the iranian city of Sanandaj, … Continued
Iran 2018 pt.4 – Towards Kurdistan via Karaftu Caves
»We must be crazy. Tourists, travellers, adventurers, overlanders… however you name yourself and what you supposedly do, you’re still crazy.« I kept thinking these thoughts as I hit my head on the low rocky ceiling of Karaftu Caves once again. … Continued
Iran 2018 pt.3 – Of the Temple of King Solomon
There once were three legendary Great Fires deriving directly from Ahura Mazda, existing from the moment of creation on to support the Zoroastrian faith, one of the first monotheistic faiths in history, dispel doubt, protect all humankind and make miracles … Continued
Iran 2018 pt.2 – Urmia & Kandovan
Being very tired from the long transfer, it took me some time to fully appreciate that immediately after the crossing of the border from Turkey to Iran the impressions and feelings changed, and for the better, much better. It was … Continued